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Gregorio Weber, A Great Gentleman of Science

by Catherine Royer

Many well-known and respected scientists have made testimonies to the exceptional contribution of Gregorio Weber to the understanding of biological molecules and their function. In this I can only add my total agreement.

However, having been one of the last students to graduate from Gregorio’s group I can contribute a personal note to his memory. The expression that comes to my mind when I think of Gregorio is: A great gentleman of science. Gregorio had an immense culture that extended far beyond his area of research.

He appreciated culture (of all kinds and places and languages, many of which he spoke). He greatly enjoyed music, theater, literature. His culture, and probably his personality in general, led him to have an open mind, to assess contributions and collaborators for their intrinsic worth. I must admit that I miss him immensely.

After leaving his lab I often returned to Urbana to hear his opinions and profit from his insight on various subjects. I, like many of us that knew him, miss these discussions dearly, not only for the insight that could be gained, but for the pleasure we derived from just being with him.

I am afraid that leaders like him are few and far between in the current scientific climate, and it saddens me that my students did not have the opportunity to know him.

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