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by F. Sanger

I do not feel able to comment on Gregorio’s published scientific work as it was in a rather different field from my own interests, but I do believe that his contribution to science was considerably more than has appeared in print. During the time that we were both working in the Cambridge Biochemical Laboratory he would frequently come over to my bench to see what I was doing, discuss my work and make useful suggestions. I found this stimulating and often helpful for my work. Gregorio had a considerably wider knowledge of science than I did, and was a wonderful person.
Fred Sanger 1918-2013
It was of course not possible to evaluate the effect of these meetings on my work, but I do feel that my publications and those of other members of the lab owe much to Gregorio’s influence. It is always stimulating to know that someone is interested in your work especially if they can make helpful suggestions.
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